teisipäev, 2. aprill 2013

Rolling your "R"

„Emme, pane mind jalkatrrrenni“! (Mommy, put me in a soccer practice) – a sentence that caught my ear on the bus the other day. The „R“ was ringing so beautifully in that little thee year old boys mouth. He probably just started to roll his „R-s“.

I started to think about the fact that rolling an „R“ is not something that comes easy for a kid or even for a foreigner that hasn’t learned it over the years. I wondered why does it take an effort for people. Tried it out in my mouth and maybe yeah, its funny how the sound comes out.

Or how people can roll their “R-s” but can’t pronounce other languages’ specialties. We speak the language we are taught or we catch on and it often has to do with the location our home is.

Parents never force the kid to shut up until the kid speaks perfectly, do they?  They are proud of every new word and can jump up and down for the kid’s improvement and progress and they think it’s cute when they mispronounce or misspell something.

So why in Christian world we think we need to shut our mouths until we speak perfectly? Why do we expect a new-born to speak fluent „Christian“?

Why do I expect myself to speak perfectly before going to God with my daily life issues? Do you and your friend only spend time when you have loads to tell each other or do you enjoy the silent company as well? I’m sure you enjoy the silence too and it’s important – you feel comfortable around each other.

If I know that God wants to be my best friend and I want to be a good friend to Him, then why is the silence between us uncomfortable? Why do I think I have to babble constantly when spending time with God?

More and more I understand that God wants a personal relationship with me and it’s very similar to what I have with my best friends. Only that I have to be more willing to listen what He has to say cause He’s not as loud as my friends are.

So my whole point is – don’t wait until you have started to roll your “R” or you’ve figured out exactly how you want the conversation to go. Start expressing your thoughts and feelings to God the way you know how. God is not interested in the sophisticated long one-sided conversation. He wants your sincerity and openness to interact.