kolmapäev, 26. september 2012

I miss you... Not YOU though, you live too close...

Today I saw a comment on Facebook where a friend of mine asked another friend to hurry back from her trip.

I started to think about this and it flashed that I do the same – I start paying more attention to the people that have gone abroad or farther away from me. For some reason I miss them more...or something.

But is it really so?

There are some of my friends that I see so rarely. And I do miss them. Yet. Do I put an effort into meeting them? Not really. This would require some planning and an actual get together. But aren’t we too busy for that?

If only the person so far away could be here – we’d spend loads of good time together...

If I miss the friends that are far away and tell them that, does it mean I don’t miss the friends close by? Or do I just not acknowledge the fact that I haven’t seen them in weeks, maybe even months? I guess the reason is that they are so close to me. I could see them any time I want.

Which makes me come back to the question – why do we want things or people we can’t have? And not appreciate the people that are in our reach?

Uhh, just thinking about it makes me dislike myself a bit. I’m such a hypocrite at times.

I’m not saying I don’t miss the people that are far but the people close by should have an equal chance of being missed and loved in my life.

Does it make sense?

So what will I do about it? Probably not much. I don’t have time to meet up with them. Or I DON'T take time. There’s always this to-do-list at the back of my head that I need to do. But do I actually do them? Not really. But I certainly couldn’t do them when I am with my friends doing leisurely things. I like the thought of getting to work when I want to. But not often I do. So why not just spend the time with my friends then?

Ahhh, dislike. To me.

Time management – still learning the difficult skill. Not doing so well yet.

I have a friend that I don’t see that often. So when she wants to see me, she makes me say a concrete date of when we’re meeting up. And it works. I’ve done it with some other friends. When you leave it open and say that lets see when’s the best time for it – there never is. There’s always this to-do-list telling us not to have fun.

I think I’ll probably contact you soon to have a little get-together – just because I can!!

If not earlier, then you are invited to my birthday party on the 20th of October. Let me know if you’re coming! I’ll bake something! :)

Done deal!

pühapäev, 23. september 2012

You know the day....

....when you bump into your reflection in the mirror and think "Wow, you're pretty today!" ?

Yes, today it's happening for me. Even though it's been quite an emotional and tiring day, after all this, the girl in the mirror looks pretty.

Thank you God for blessing me with health and beauty!

Look at me and say you don't agree, I dare you! :D

Photo: Ulli

kolmapäev, 12. september 2012

Joy and excitement

More and more I realize how important it is to have a positive attitude about life. Sometimes I have to work hard to be positive and sometimes I just need a reminder that God gives us the joy and love and peace we so desperately need!

I got a bit discouraged few days back and through that I realized I had painted a picture of my future I so desperately wanted to have for myself. My mind worked day in and day out a plan how to make it work – and the stupid brain of mine couldn’t figure things out. Go figure...

I’m sure God was laughing at me. I’m sure God looked at me and said: “Oh, you silly girl. You honestly thing YOU can figure out MY perfect plan that is beyond your understanding and capacity? Why don’t you just sit back, relax and let ME do all the planning?!”

Why not? :P

So what else can I do, if I shouldn’t schedule my time with worrying and planning the next thousand years of my life? The answer – ENJOY THE PRESENT!

And you know what – I do enjoy being happy! I do enjoy the fact that I have people in my life that are happy with me! I do enjoy that I have so many things to be thankful for! I do enjoy the excitement of the unknown and the God’s secret plotting of my future! I do enjoy God in my life! I do enjoy when it's one of my good days and I trust and feel God being with me all the way! 

Would you consciously decide to be happy with me? Would you receive and acknowledge the joy and love and peace God has for you too?

Let’s all be happy and excited about life, what do you say?