kolmapäev, 16. detsember 2009

Friends - what a blessing!!!

I've realized I take some people for granted. Why in the world? It takes an effort to be my friend. It takes time and patience to be my friend. It takes a lot of God's love to be my friend.

I thank each and everyone who's been my friend throughout the years, and of course the most recent ones, too (You know who you are! :)).

I got a letter from my dear friend yesterday. It's such an encouragement to read that she's been constantly praying for me. Isn't it wonderful to get such news? I think it is.

It makes me want to give out more to my friends. It makes me want to hug everyone - gosh, I'm stuck at work right now.

If I see you and don't hug you, it's not that I don't want to. It's just that I feel awkward, cause I don't hug that much. Just come and hug me and I'll hug back as best as I can. Cause I want to share my love for you.

If you haven't received a letter from me through regular mailing system in a long time or at all: Send me an email or just give your address on a piece of paper and I'll write you - it's that simple! It's what I do. Ask from people that know me. I just posted 25 letters today. IT'S WHAT I DO!!! Got it? ;)


I was talking to a friend today and he said he had an argument with one other Christian about the saying "Once saved always saved". That the Christian came to Christ but is still living sinful life. What in the world?

Isn't He, our Saviour, our Best Friend of all? Why do we struggle to please Him? Why do we turn our back on Him? Why do we not give attention to Him, the One that deserves it the most? Do we do that to our friends on Earth? It's not a one way friendship, we ought to know that. You do know that, right?

It's Christmas. It's the celebration of our Best Friend's birthday. What do you normally do when it's your friend's birthday? Are you expecting presents from him/her? I don't think so. Have you ever thought of what you're expecting from your friend who you're visiting on his/her birthday? Good food (definitely), good time, lots of laughing and a little attention back? And most of all the graditude for being his/her friend. Right? Lets face it, it's the truth.

What are we expecting from our Best Friend? I challenge you by saying that basically the same we're expecting from the birthday kid on Earth. Do we not get that? I think we do. And much more. Jesus wants to bless as soooo much and give the stuff we need. It's just that He wants to have a normal give-and-take relationship (It's just my understanding, I know He often gives when we're total.......not good friends to Him).

I invite you to give Him the attention He deserves instead of thinking what am I getting out of this friendship with Jesus. Give Him the love, the laugh, the attention without any premises.

Wow, my pondering turned out a long one. Sorry. I DO think a lot AND write a lot.

Soooo, to sum it up: I want to hug you! And I want you and me to hug Jesus for who He is! :)

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